Weekend Caucus is the new constituency -- sports fans who want to go behind the scores, stats and standings to explore what it all says about our society. Pundits have always dumped bad political news on a Friday in the belief that nothing of consequence happens on the weekend, and no one is paying attention.
Weekend Caucus is for the people who never stop paying attention. For those who believe what happens on the weekend means something; that the weekend is where politics, sport and culture intersect, and therein lies the key to understanding what is happening around us.
Who we are
Weekend Caucus was founded by Ed Coper and Jason Wojciechowski, two writers who had spent their lives covering the sport of politics. Weekend Caucus was born when they realized they'd prefer to be covering the politics of sport.
With a background in advocacy campaigns, they realized the influence sports has over so many issues that need more attention, yet most sports coverage divorces the playing from the political.
Writers for Weekend Caucus come from a diverse background with a range of interests and expertise, giving new perspectives on issues that inform our daily lives. Want to write for Weekend Caucus? Drop us a line.